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Aug. 2, 2023, 6:45 p.m. -  ClydeRide

Mountain bikers sometimes seen a little salty about gravel bikes. Why is that? I’m a mountain biker, but that doesn’t mean every ride I do is on a mountain bike. Riding is fun, y’all. Think about gravel as Get Riding And aVoid Ending your Life. It’s a way to roll out of your house and go in almost any direction. Find those low-traffic pavement routes. Hit some singletrack. Back country gravel roads. Multi-use paths when necessary. Go fast when you can. Revel in being able to go almost anywhere. Ride for an hour or ride for eight. Take a sandwich.  But go have fun.  For years mountain bikers bristled at  roadie snootiness. I don’t think we need to act superior to someone having fun on two wheels just because those wheels are a little skinnier.

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