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Aug. 27, 2023, 3:42 p.m. -  BarryW

As a happy user of NF gear I don't mind paying some fair prices for 'locally' made gear in a place where people make real wages.  But... These seem to be priced a lot higher and are made all over. Not in San Francisco where the company is based. Not saying that's bad, just that I like the NF program of making the stuff where the company is. How is outsourcing to New York different than outsourcing to Bangladesh? Sure, I get that the distances are quite different, but the point is to move production out of the local area to someplace cheaper. So how is this different? Sure, I'll bet it's pretty great stuff, but like 7Mesh it feels like a 'premium' product and then they price it as such to convince us all while making pretty massive profits. I think I'm keep giving my money to NF for now.

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