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April 2, 2024, 11:27 p.m. -  TristanC

I ride long stuff, like "hour 15 on the bike, business as usual" long stuff. When I'm training, I will try to go faster and redline it, because I have that same urge to _go fast_ and _if it doesn't hurt, you're not trying hard enough_. But on race day, I have to consciously put that away and remind myself that I will still be riding this bike _tomorrow_. If it feels like I'm pushing at all, it's too much, I know I can't sustain that for that length of time. It's served me really well so far. I also get some schadenfreude out of starting at the very back of any event and watching everyone zoom off into the distance, while I meander along, thinking about what I should have for my next snack. I'll see them again in a couple hours, as they start blowing up and I keep burbling happily along.

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